
Portuguese Beauty

Like a good painting, we can admire some things only from a respectful distance. Why is that beautiful creatures very often are the most unpredictable and dangerous ones? Like a good looking person, if gets too close it will eat you up...  Does the beauty gives you a  warning not to get closer? Does it harm you with an intention? Or it does hurt you only because wants to protect own vulnerability? Who knows... Some can be dangerously beautiful and beautifuly dangerous...


Unknown said...

I love your last line!~
...I say they are dangerously beautiful!!

siga said...

Totally agree ;)

ladydazy said...

Beautiful photo - so true Claudia about dangerously beautiful. What was in the photograph?

siga said...

It's Portuguese Man o'War

ladydazy said...

I will google Portugese Man O' War because I've never heard of it. :)